Charts Design System

Charts Design System

Charts Design System

Creating a Data Visualization Design System

Creating a Data Visualization Design System

Creating a Data Visualization Design System

My Role

Design System


Stratio BD


Big Data



The system.

The system.

Stratio is a company that specialises in harnessing the power of big data and advanced analytics but, after 7 years of launching functionality, the design team did not yet have a way to create unified charts.

Key reasons why we identified the need for a Data Visualization Design System within Stratio:

Increasing complexity of data

As Stratio grew, so did the complexity of the data we needed to visualise, requiring a standardised approach to improve clarity and consistency.

Lack of consistency

Existing data visualizations lacked consistency, leading to disjointed and confusing user experiences.

Inefficient workflows

Without a standardized approach, designers and developers faced inefficiencies in creating and implementing data visualizations.

Competitive landscape

In a competitive market, the ability to effectively visualize and interpret data is crucial for informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Before · Stratio Charts

Before · Stratio Charts

Research & Analysis.

Research & Analysis.

We began by conducting extensive research into existing data visualization practices and frameworks to understand industry standards and user expectations.
Analysis of our own products' data visualization elements helped identify pain points and areas for improvement.

Analysis · Stratio Charts

Analysis · Stratio Charts

Design principles.

Design principles.

Based on our research findings and product requirements, we defined a set of design principles to guide the development of our data visualization design system.

These principles focused on clarity, consistency, accessibility, and scalability to ensure that our design system met the needs of both users and stakeholders.


For the all the brand actions we use the font family Stratio.

Stratio is a typeface specially designed for user interfaces with a focus on high legibility of small-to-medium sized text on computer screens.

Color palette

We defined four distinct color palettes to help the design team effectively convey information: Sequential Monochromatic, Sequential Diverging, Categorical, and Meaning.


Stratio Charts Design colour palettes comply with accessibility standards.

This commitment to accessibility ensures that our design system can be used effectively by people of all abilities, including those with colour vision impairments.

Design and iteration.

Design and iteration.

Using our defined design principles as a foundation, we began designing the individual components of our data visualization system.

Iterative design sessions and feedback loops ensured that each component met usability standards and aligned with our overall design vision.

The Figma file.

The Figma file.

In this video, you can see how our design system works, including selecting different graphics, scaling components and more.

Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching!